Your Truth Revealed podcast
May 23, 2023

4) Know Your Tests: How to Skip the Guessing Game with Erika Marcoux, MA

There is a better way of getting a diagnosis instead of relying on Dr. Google. Why not get some real test results from your body? If you're interested in taking charge of your health, listen to this episode and get ready to feel like a real-life Dr. House.


A Quick Outline for the Tests You Can Take

01:57 BLOODWORK (1)

  • A holistic doctor may order a third more blood tests than a regular medical doctor for a physical exam.
  • Comprehensive bloodwork gives your holistic doctor a 360-degree view of what may be going on in your body.


02:54 PATHOGENS (2)

  • Pathogens are harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites called microorganisms.
  • Testing for pathogens can include Lyme, stool, and mold tests.
  • Lyme test from DNA ConneXions detects the cause of Lyme disease and ten other co-pathogens.
  • Stool test from Diagnostic Solutions Lab assesses your gut microbiome.
  • Mold test from Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly Great Plains Laboratory) detects the presence of mycotoxins in your body.



  • Testing for chemical messengers include the adrenal saliva test and the Neuro HPA Focus panel.
  • Adrenal saliva test from DiagnosTechs measures your cortisol levels over twenty-four hours.
  • Neuro HPA Focus panel from Machemehl Method Institute measures your brain chemistry.


06:16 DNA (4)

  • Testing your DNA includes nutrigenomic test from GXSciences and Max Rx test from ClarityX.
  • Nutrigenomic test analyzes your genetic blueprint to determine what diet and nutrients you need to maintain optimal health and wellness.
  • Max Rx test determines what medications may work best for you according to your DNA.




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The previous episode covered the many tests I took, the results, and the big reveal that several pathogens were making me ill. A podcast listener asked if I’d dive into the details of each test and why they are important.  

It’s a running joke that an online search about your symptoms will eventually say you have cancer. It’s stressful enough having bizarre symptoms without the added opinion that what you have is definitely going to kill you . . . and soon. 

It makes more sense to skip the internet search and get direct data from my body instead. I was relieved to get out of my head and see test results on paper.

01:22 At the end of this episode, you’ll know the names of the tests I took and why they are important. My hope is to make this process easy to understand if you are interested in doing the same.  So here we go!

The tests I took can be put into four categories, looking at: BLOODWORK, PATHOGENS, CHEMICAL MESSENGERS, and DNA. You’ll want to find a functional medicine, naturopathic, or integrative doctor to order the tests and interpret the results. 

01:57 First, let’s talk about getting BLOODWORK

A holistic doctor will probably order about a third more blood tests than your medical doctor for a regular physical.
Why is this important?
Functional medicine doctor Tenesha Wards has a great analogy to explain. 
Having symptoms is like when your car’s check engine light is blinking. A mechanic uses a diagnostic tool to talk to your car’s computer systems and then gives a diagnosis.
Similarly, a phlebotomist can draw your blood and send it to a lab to be tested. Your holistic doctor can then give a diagnosis.   
Also, comprehensive bloodwork gives your holistic doctor a 360-degree view of what may be going on in your body.

02:49 I've talked about bloodwork. 
Second, let's talk about testing your body for PATHOGENS

For me, these include the Lyme, stool, and mold tests. 
Pathogens are harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites called microorganisms. Imagine the green cartoon character in the Mucinex commercial having a party in your body. 

Not to gross you out, but your body has about thirty-nine trillion microbial cells that live on your body and in you. Know that some of these microorganisms are harmless and even helpful. 
However, pathogens make you sick. That’s why it’s important to get a Lyme, stool, and mold test if you have symptoms for those illnesses.  

03:42 The Lyme test I took was from DNA ConneXions. A link is listed in the show notes. It’s best to get a lymphatic massage first. Then you can take a urine sample at home and mail it in. This test detects the cause of Lyme disease, Borrelia Burgdorferi, and ten other co-pathogens. 

04:08 The stool test I took was from Diagnostic Solutions Lab. Your gut microbiome plays a crucial role in your overall health. This assessment can get to the root cause of your chronic illness. Just after i mailed my at-home sample, I chuckled at the Saturday Night Live skit with actor Owen Wilson about mail in stool testing. It’s a thing.

04:34 Now onto the mold test. I took the Mycotox profile test from Mosaic Diagnostics, formerly the great plains laboratory. They fortunately serve people worldwide. You can take an at home urine sample and mail it in.
It’s important to take the mold test if you have symptoms that include brain fog, anxiety, pain, dizziness, digestive issues, and hair loss. All of which I had. You can also take the mold test from EnviroBiomics to see if your home has mold, which could be the source. 

05:11 I've talked about testing your body for pathogens. 
Third let's talk about testing your body’s CHEMICAL MESSENGERS

I took the adrenal saliva test at home that I mailed into DiagnosTechs. This measures your cortisol levels over twenty-four hours. 
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is created by your two adrenal glands, which sit on top of each kidney. When you’re stressed, increased cortisol releases into your bloodstream. Having the right cortisol balance is essential for your health.

05:49 The other test I took was the Neuro HPA Focus panel, a brain chemistry test, by Machemehl Method Institute . I just realized that Pam Machemehl-Helmly, who I interviewed on this podcast, developed the panel over twenty years ago!  Simply take an at home saliva and urine test and mail it in.

06:11 I've talked about testing your body for chemical messengers. 
Lastly, let's talk about testing your body’s DNA

I took the nutrigenomic test by GXSciences innovative genomic solutions. This is a cheek swab test that you mail in.
They analyze your genetic blueprint to determine what diet and nutrients you need to maintain optimal health and wellness for the rest of your life. I have found this to be incredibly helpful. 
Another DNA test that I plan to take is the Max Rx test from ClarityX. This determines what medications may work best for you according to your DNA. 

06:55 To sum up, I talked about skipping the crazy-making internet search of your symptoms and instead getting tested.
Now you know the names of the tests you can take and why they are important. I’ve put all this information in the show notes for you. 

You deserve to be healthy. Knowing what’s causing your symptoms then enables you to start treatment and get well.