Your Truth Revealed podcast
Feb. 6, 2020

11) Know Your Food (part 1)

Meet Henry Nuss, PhD in the 2nd part of his interview. He explores the quality of the food you eat, and how the health of your digestive system is one of the most important factors in overall health.

Henry has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin. He is an assistant professor at the Louisiana State University health sciences center in New Orleans. He also worked as an evaluation contractor for the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC).

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Henry Nuss: https://bit.ly/2vFaQoJ

The Prime: https://amzn.to/37Naomw

Store: https://bit.ly/2H99Iwl



How is it true, “You are what you eat”?

* Nutrients from the food you eat provide the foundation of the structure, function, and integrity of every cell in your body.

* Every cell has a shelf life. Everyday, your body is busy making new cells to replace cells that have expired. How healthy those new cells are is directly determined by how well you’ve been eating.

* Every body, every brain, every gut, and every person's biochemistry is unique, not to mention constantly changing.


How many calories do we drink?

* The average American drinks 400 calories daily!

* Your body doesn’t detect calories from liquid the same way it detects calories from solid food.

* When you eat calories in the form of food, you naturally compensate by eating less. But when you drink liquid calories, you don’t necessarily drink less.

* It’s best to drink plain, filtered water.


How does your digestive system work?

* Your small intestine absorbs most of your nutrition into your bloodstream.

* Your large intestine absorbs water and changes food waste from liquid to stool.

* There are more than 1,000 types of bacteria that live in your large intestine.

* You have 2 to 3 pounds of bacteria there. This bacteria doesn’t come from you and is technically no part of you.


Why is losing weight often hard?

* You were born with the same number of fat cells that you’re ever going to have. Your fat cells don't necessarily divide like other cells do, all they do is get bigger and smaller.

* Being overweight is a biochemical issue.

* Processed foods with artificial preservatives, colors, sugar, fat, and salt light up the same parts of your brain as addictive drugs. This is called the bliss point.

* These foods can increase the toxic load in your body, turn on inflammation, and alter your biochemistry.

* These foods give you a lot of calories, but relatively nothing else in terms of protein, vitamins, minerals, and more.

* You have your allotment of calories for the day, but relatively little nutrition to show for it.


Why are childhood diseases rising at an alarming rate?

* A lot of children mimic their parent’s poor eating behavior.

* Many children eat four times their daily suggested calories at breakfast alone.

* Processed foods are usually filled with chemicals and inflammatory fats and very little real nutritional value.

* Type two diabetes was common in older adults. Now children as young as five years old are being diagnosed.


How much do Americans eat?

Every year the average person eats the following according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

* 152.4 pounds of sugar and other sweeteners

* 74.5 pounds of added fats and oils such as salad dressing, cooking oil, frying fat, and butter

And we're consuming more of just about everything

* 19% more calories since 1983

* 57 pounds more meat per person since the 1960s (and a third fewer eggs)

* More cheese (but less milk)